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$2500 SLI

Post Date: 2011-12-01

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jvc762 View Drop Down

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  Quote jvc762 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: $2500 SLI
    Posted: 01 Dec 2011 at 11:03am
Hello DST4me:

This will be a gift for an avid gamer, BF3, Crysis, Skyrim.

Monitor will likely be upgraded, currently 23 in Viewsonic.

I do need wireless.

I want to keep at no more than $2500.

Frankly, I was sold on the ODE 3 however I never see a hearty recommendation from you on that set up.   I am still thinking about it but like your practical approach to upgrading and am not really a liquid cooling fan.

So, I used many of your past recommendations and came up with a configuration.  The notable change, in order so save a few bucks was downgrading from SLI NVIDIA GTX 570 to SLI GTX 560 TI and still stay within my budget.

Config 626430

So,  is SLI 560 versus SLI 570 a silly sacrifice ? 

Would I be better served by the ODE 3 ?

Of course I appreciate any input



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  Quote DST4ME Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 01 Dec 2011 at 1:31pm
price-wise ode 3 is great, you don't see me recommending a lot cause some of its parts are not ones I would use, and I like to recommend only stuff I would use myself whenever possible.

for example I like the 1050 hx psu for its track recored of reliability and its 7 year warranty and the fact that I can do dual sli anything I like with it so future upgrades are wide open.

Your build looks good but for 1900 x 1200 you gonna want sli 570, if the res gets higher then you want sli 570 2.5GB, for mobo the z68 is better I'm not sure if you can put sli and wireless on m pro, in dual sli it does not have any other free pci lanes if I'm not mistaken.

This puts you over the budget tho, so you need to think which direction you want to go, up the budget, or get one 570 now and install the second in a few months, or go with ode 3.

or go with this Ticket Number: 626487 and add ssd later.

Edited by DST4ME - 01 Dec 2011 at 1:34pm
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