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4k vs HDR

Post Date: 2018-10-27

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Ras View Drop Down

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  Quote Ras Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: 4k vs HDR
    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 at 7:36am
My friend recently got a 2080 ti but has been refusing to get a 4k monitor that does have HDR.kind of defeats the purpose of owning a 2080 right? What looks better visually? 4k non hdr monitor or a none 4k hdr monitor ? I currently run a rig with a 4k monitor and I have loved it but have no experience with HDR or if it's even worth it. Thoughts ?
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Snaike View Drop Down
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  Quote Snaike Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 28 Oct 2018 at 6:23am
One post on this topic is enough. This same post on another forum was removed. Let me know if you have any questions.
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Ras View Drop Down

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  Quote Ras Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 28 Oct 2018 at 7:15am
Originally posted by Snaike

One post on this topic is enough. This same post on another forum was removed. Let me know if you have any questions.

Ok, how about an answer to the question ?
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Tidgxor View Drop Down

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  Quote Tidgxor Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 28 Oct 2018 at 4:25pm
Originally posted by Ras

Originally posted by Snaike

One post on this topic is enough. This same post on another forum was removed. Let me know if you have any questions.

Ok, how about an answer to the question ?

As to the topic. This is entirely subjective. People can - and do - argue extensively over HDR and/or 4K appearances. There's absolutely no way we could tell you what would look better to you or your friend. Case in point, there are a lot of people who say that the HDR on the model of television I have looks "terrible" or "washed out" but to me it looks amazingly good. Other people can't even tell a difference between HDR and non-HDR even on the higher end OLED screens when they are side-by-side. And still other people hate everything and can never be satisfied. Big%20Smile

4K is a bit more straightforward, as unlike HDR (which has multiple competing standards and manufacturers have all sorts of "fake" ways of getting HDR) 4K is 4K. Sure, there are panels that claim to be sending 4K but which are actually 2.8K natively, but that's a different issue entirely. Yet even resolution is subjective insofar as appearance is concerned. I have a friend who vastly prefers 1080p over 4k. Some keyboard warriors have referred to him as "stupid" because of this, never-mind how sad that is to attack someone over a resolution, but visual stuff is (literally) in the eye of the beholder - bad pun intended. LOL

Generally, and I do mean this generally, I'd say 4K + HDR is the way to go, but again there are all sorts of quality issues which put a bunch of caveats into such a statement. The only way to really determine this is for you to look at competing monitors and decide which one you like more.

I, for instance, still game at 1920x1200, 60Hz on a 8 year old Dell Monitor and I'm more than happy with it. Your friend may not like the way HDR appears (some people don't) and instead just wants the 4K resolution. Or your friend may have gotten bad info about HDR. But it's a subjective thing. If you love your current 4k monitor, I don't think HDR would be worth the price of an upgrade - and same goes for your friend. But that's just me - I like HDR, but certainly wouldn't buy a new monitor/tv just to get HDR, though some people would. Strong

Edited by Tidgxor - 28 Oct 2018 at 11:51pm
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dj_prouddad View Drop Down

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  Quote dj_prouddad Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 27 Nov 2018 at 10:58am
Originally posted by Tidgxor

...... I have a friend who vastly prefers 1080p over 4k. Some keyboard warriors have referred to him as "stupid" because of this, never-mind how sad that is to attack someone over a resolution, but visual stuff is (literally) in the eye of the beholder ......

Originally posted by Tidgxor

claim to be sending 4K but which are actually 2.8K natively

To slightly revive and skew and make an addition statement:
First my Sony Bravia TV supposedly upscale to 4K. So this "friend" who prefers 1080p would not know the difference on my TV. Most programming is in regular HD anyway. That's TV though. If we're talking computers, then I might be that "friend" since I use a 1080p 60Hz monitor, and the only reason I'd need 4K is for video that is in 4K.
As for HDR, neither my computer monitor nor my living room TV have HDR. I don't much understand it tbh. My phone's camera has HDR settings, so my take is that HDR is only really useful for beautiful photographs. NOT for gaming though....
A friend of mine got the newest XBox and has the weirdest TV, it is 1080p with HDR, and he loves the quality; but I say take that XBox to my house and plug it to either my 4K TV or my 1080p monitor and it will look much sharper.
Honestly I think that all comes down to brand names though. My TV is a Sony, my monitor a Samsung, and my friend goes LG all the way. I don't care much for how LG processes its HDR apparently, and Sony doesn't need to.

Now to reply to 2nd quote: I wondered if that was true. The same Bravia 4K TV is Android, and I have Koki installed. Kodi does support 4K video and is supposed to display photos at that resolution, but since the "display" button (to view the input and resolution) does not work when running an app, I can't tell if Kodi is being displayed in a full 4K. I can't tell; it's higher than 1080, but what.... I just got my answer. Because it displays in a resolution only as high as needed, thus why some claim but I guess it's home screen and menus are 2.8K like when youtube updated and you're not really getting 4K content by using a TV's stock youtube app.

So thanks for helping me understand something and I hope my info was useful. ..... Now to answer the original question:
Originally posted by Ras

My friend recently got a 2080 ti but has been refusing to get a 4k monitor that does have HDR.kind of defeats the purpose of owning a 2080 right? What looks better visually? 4k non hdr monitor or a none 4k hdr monitor ? I currently run a rig with a 4k monitor and I have loved it but have no experience with HDR or if it's even worth it. Thoughts ?

I don't see the point in getting a 4K monitor, especially if this is what he prefers. That video card has more memory and less chance of failing when gaming. THAT was the point of him buying that one. He may prefer the HDR. It just depends on more of what he is doing. I could take it or leave it for gaming, do NOT need HDR for 4K videos, but it's almost a must for photography. That's why all these things are on the market --- whatever suits your needs.
IMHO the answer would be a 4K monitor without HDR, but that's what suits my needs and would produce video to my liking.
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Psyoshi View Drop Down

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  Quote Psyoshi Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 24 Jan 2019 at 6:19pm
I have all manners of resolution and format. Never heard of non 4k with HDR but when I have to do editting I prefer 4k anyways. As for the differences, it really comes down to view distance, sit far enough away with a small enough screen and you will never know the difference. That is why a 1080p laptop for example looks so sharp.
In the case of monitors, the type of panel (TN/VA/IPS) matters almost more than anything else. In order from left to right you have poor>good image and fast response>slow.

Then there are factors of what game you are playing. If all you ever play is single player games, anything over 60hz may be lost to you. However, if you play a lot of competitive games like shooters, the lower resolution means high frames and can utilize the high refresh rates of a better monitor. CS:GO pros for example strictly play in 1080p since the frames and refresh rates benefit them. This same strategy is also at play in PUBG with a recent study showing that frames will effect a guns RoF and recoil.

In the end a monitor is a personal choice, I utilize 4k, 1440p, 1080p daily. But my job also makes it so I have to and the added benefit of a large 4k display is you can split the screen into 4x 1080p desktops for when intense multi tasking arises.
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