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580 and 6xxx released?

Post Date: 2010-11-10

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kainhall View Drop Down

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  Quote kainhall Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: 580 and 6xxx released?
    Posted: 10 Nov 2010 at 11:40am
so, i found out today that the 6xxx was released and the 580 was released.
is the 580 that mutch better?
is the 6xxx that mutch better?
amd said this about there cards
In games including Aliens vs. Predator™, Metro 2033™, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.™: Call of Pripyat, Lord of the Rings Online™, and Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2, the AMD Radeon™ HD 6870 delivers more than 30% higher frames per second over the Nvidia GTX 460 1GB. Test systems specifications: AMD Phenom™ II X6 1090t Black Edition (3.2GHz) processor, Gigabyte 890FXA-UD5 (F4 BIOS) motherboard, Corsair Dominator 8GB (4x2GB) DDR2-1600 memory (9-9-9-24 timings), AMD Radeon™ HD 6870 graphics card, running Windows® 7 64-bit with the latest critical updates, and AMD Radeon™ 6800 Series Press Driver (8.782.2) vs. AMD Phenom™ II X6 1090t Black Edition (3.2GHz) processor, NF980-G65 (v1.4 BIOS) motherboard, Corsair Dominator 8GB (4x2GB) DDR2-1600 memory (9-9-9-24 timings), Nvidia GTX 460 1GB, running Windows® 7 64-bit with the latest critical updates, and NVIDIA ForceWare 258.96 WHQL. Based on AMD internal testing, AMD Radeon™ HD 6800 series graphics cards consume equivalent or less power than competing Nvidia GTX 460 graphics cards and per the above, deliver more than 30% more performance measured in frames per second demonstrating the AMD Radeon HD 6800 series has the most energy-efficient design in its class. Feature set includes AMD Eyefinity multi-display technology, support for DisplayPort 1.2 and HDMI 1.4a, support for new DisplayPort audio formats, and Unified Video Decoder 3. The AMD Radeon™ HD 6870 will have a SEP of $239 and the AMD Radeon™ HD 6850 will have a SEP of $179.
most of the unbolded carp is jsut.....crap, but the 6870 is not a 5870 if you know what i mean. ati changed there numbering system. a 6890 is a 5870 and a 6990 is a 5970. did nvidia do the same thing? and did the 580 really put nvidia over the top? perty sure the 5970 still beats everything, but thats 2 gpu vs one and really not fair.
anyway... are these series more of a filler untell the 680 and the 7xxx. are the 5xx and 6xxx series the things to buy, or are tehy going to release the 6xx and 7xxx in 90 days?  hopefully nvidia can catch up and not be half a year late, even thow im partail to AMD and ATi
steam friends is kainhall
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  Quote Benson729 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Nov 2010 at 10:07pm
Does DS have ASUS GTX 580's available or will they come later?
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