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...and the kitchen sink?

Post Date: 2010-10-29

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barca View Drop Down

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  Quote barca Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: ...and the kitchen sink?
    Posted: 29 Oct 2010 at 8:33pm
Gentlemen!  And perhaps ladies!

I'm looking to build a new system to replace my current Dell, the most misbehaving computer this side of cheap consumer PCs!  I've read !ender_'s fabulously detailed post on builds and configurations, and while some of the more technical stuff may have gone over my head, I think I have a decent enough grasp on the situation to put up at least some witty repartee with you forum denizens.

Budget: $3000 including shipping

I'm looking for a rig that will last me a few years and will allow me to take full advantage of the upgraded graphics coming with WoW's next expansion, as well as letting me enjoy next year's games at a 'high' graphics setting.  I'm also looking for a rig to keep my feet warm, because it's so cold in my room all the time! 

I am a WoW player, and it does take up about 60% of the gaming time on my computer.  I am looking forward to Dragon Age 2 as well as Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3, etc.  As far as total usage, I'm looking at about 80% gaming 20% movie watching, I tend to keep a lot of movies and TV shows and store them on my external 1 TB hard drive, so storage space is not an issue.

One special consideration is that I will be purchasing a surround sound speaker system, so I think a sound card is in order.  If anyone can offer good places to find speaker setups I would be grateful as well.

Thanks dudes!

Edited by barca - 29 Oct 2010 at 10:36pm
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!ender_ View Drop Down
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 29 Oct 2010 at 9:51pm
Originally posted by barca

I tend to torrent a lot of movies and TV shows
that you didnt pay for?
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  Quote barca Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 29 Oct 2010 at 10:06pm
Everything I put there sounded like a bad excuse.  It's 300 GB of fansubbed anime and then a copy of The Lion King and the South Park movie, both of which I have on DVD. When an anime series series isn't licensed for R1 it is okay to keep.  I put "movies and TV shows" because there's a pretty bad stigma associated with anyone that watches anime.

Edited by barca - 29 Oct 2010 at 10:24pm
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 29 Oct 2010 at 11:05pm
not with anyone i know, several of my friends are actually in to anime, i dont know anything about it personally
you will never get judgement from me by talking about what you like, i listen to kesha, adam lambert, and tatu loud and proud. im a 25 year old straight man and chose to pay to take me and my girlfriend to see kesha in concert, and she was freaking great. though, i understand your hesitation; dont worry, this is not your typical immature forum community
on to business:
your budget is far beyond your needs, i guess its going to come down to how much you want to spend vs how much you need to spend. which is a comfortable place to be. based on what you listed
Will do everything you need it to:
Best use of your budget limit for pure gaming power:
based on the games you listed it doesnt seem like you play things that are higher power demand, a single 480 would probably do the trick
for your movie and gaming pleasure i threw in a sound card to the higher build
obviously, you can meet in the middle of the two, though i'll say.. while commonly reccomended, you may not need an SSD for your uses. or at least you could consider dropping to the 40 gb ssd

Edited by !ender_ - 29 Oct 2010 at 11:08pm
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barca View Drop Down

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  Quote barca Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 29 Oct 2010 at 11:25pm
Thanks for the swift response, and thanks for being understanding!

I would have to say that my gaming habits have been shaped by the piece of junk I currently play on.  I gathered from your Buying/Posting guide that 2x 470's will give you the lion's share of power provided by 2x 480's, would there be any advantages taking the step up to the 480's?  Longevity, bragging rights, perhaps a sweet fireball as my system overheats?

I like the idea of using an SSD for the OS, but I'm not sure I have 80 GB of applications that I would need put on the SSD, a 40 GB as you suggested may be more prudent.

One other thing I noted is that the motherboard in these builds is EVGA X58 LE Edition SLI, in most of the builds you did for the buying/posting guide, the higher end systems use the SLI 3.  Is there a significant advantage or is it a choice of convenience based on the SLI 3 being on backorder?

After reading that I feel like I sound impertinent, please please please don't take it that way!  I am very grateful for the help, as my knowledge of the internal workings of gaming beasts extends to basically "don't stick a non-grounded screwdriver inside" and "remember to clean out the dust every other week".

EDIT: Yes, when I was 11, I DID stick a non-grounded screwdriver into a computer, and yes I fried the video card.

Edited by barca - 29 Oct 2010 at 11:32pm
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!ender_ View Drop Down
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 29 Oct 2010 at 11:48pm
I gathered from your Buying/Posting guide that 2x 470's will give you the lion's share of power provided by 2x 480's, would there be any advantages taking the step up to the 480's? 
not really, in fact, unless you were planning to game at 2560x or with nvidia 3d 3screen thingy, i see little to no justification for it. The big deal to me is that when its said and done if you get the reccomended 1200w for 2x480s you are spending $380 more!!!  thats a monitor, mouse, and keyboard.. and from what ive read, you wont be able to see a measurable-by-the-human-eye difference (referring to framerates)
I wouldnt tell someone not to buy it, but my thing is cost:performance, and 2x 470s are the clear winner there
I like the idea of using an SSD for the OS, but I'm not sure I have 80 GB of applications that I would need put on the SSD, a 40 GB as you suggested may be more prudent.
yea, i have win7 64, photoshop, vegas video, dreamweaver, full open office suite, all drivers, codecs, vent, foobar, ccleaner, and starcraft 2 on my SSD.. and im at 29.6GB currently. if you pay attention, 40 should be plenty

Is there a significant advantage or is it a choice of convenience based on the SLI 3 being on backorder?
oh wow... the LE is back! the reason for the switch is that our beautiful friends at EVGA updated the evga x58 LE and renamed it the SLI 3.. as far as i know (and ill look this up) the only difference is built in usb3/sata6 (will come back to edit this)
So the SLI 3 removed one expressx4 lane, which wont mean much to you, build in usb3/sata6, and made the heatsinks look different
id say either way wont make a difference if you dont feel like waiting (unless you REALLY want usb3)

lol which part was rude?

Edited by !ender_ - 29 Oct 2010 at 11:55pm
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barca View Drop Down

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  Quote barca Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 29 Oct 2010 at 11:52pm
Originally posted by !ender_

lol which part was rude?

Well, you are certainly the master and I the grasshopper in this situation, I figured questioning you was bad form!  :P

Edited by barca - 30 Oct 2010 at 12:00am
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!ender_ View Drop Down
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 29 Oct 2010 at 11:56pm
no, ask questions!
perfect example, i never got off my lazy butt and looked up the differences between the LE and SLI3 until now, edited the post to include that
see above^
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barca View Drop Down

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  Quote barca Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 12:01am
Oh, cool.  I am glad I could be of some service, then!

On a side note, I was speaking to one of my guild mates in WoW, and he said I should consider a cheaper card, something just to run WoW or SCII for now, and wait for the next generation of Nvidia cards out in a couple months (?).  I know from your post that waiting is a dangerous game, and I do need the system now.  Do you have an opinion on this particular situation, or is it a blanket "no waiting" policy?
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!ender_ View Drop Down
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 12:12am
eh, theres no right way to answer this imo
but since you asked for my input
(in addition to whats already in the guide)
i consider it a blanket statement, nvidia is supposedly releasing a 580 soon, which means you could wait for it to come out and be a little further ahead of the curve, but i dont see it as an intelligent alternative to just buying whats availible now and then upgrading after a while when you are good and ready.. in fact, its DEFINITELY more expensive than my strategy, and furthermore, when you buy brand spanking new hardware, you get to be the test subject.. can these catch on fire? do they need a driver update to even play most games? will it get delayed?
the first fermi batches had much higher temperature norms than the current builds, as with anything: the more its tested, the better it gets
i just prefer to drop a couple hundred on toys after a few other people have been the guinea pigs
just like i put in the guide, the most financially sound option is to pick up a 750w psu and the best gpu you can currently afford, then upgrade it when you feel you need to
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barca View Drop Down

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  Quote barca Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 12:55am
I agree with you about waiting, I will go with what I can get at the moment.  After spending some time playing with builds I have come up with a couple.  The first is well below my budget, fairly close to what you provided for me.  The second is running up pretty close to my budget, and includes the increased power supply and dual 480's.  I will have to think on this for a day, probably, is there any pure functionality reason that either system would have issues, or is it just about personal preference at this point?  Would there be heat issues?  Would I have to  make any special care considerations, air flow, etc.?



Thanks a lot for your time, you've been a great help, and I'm already getting that dreadful "the wait" feeling.

Edited by barca - 30 Oct 2010 at 1:06am
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  Quote Raif Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 2:27am
tbh if your spending 60% of your time on wow you really don't need a powerful gpu, it all depends on what the rest is. 2x 480's is overkill to wow. if you really want sli i would go with the dual 470 and 1000 watt psu. it really all depends on your resolution.

this is a generic cookie mold when it comes to resolutions. you can expect to play about 90% of the games on high with 4x aa in this mold.

1680 x 1050 nvidia gtx 470/ ati radeon 5850

1920 x 1080 gtx 480/ radeon 5870 or dual sli 470/ dual cf 5850

1920 x 1200 ditto

2560 x 1600 dual sli gtx 480/ dual cf 5870


i would change any option with the 5850 to a 6870. the 6870 performs between a 5850 and a 5870 i know it is misleading if you need benchmarks to prove it i can provide them. i would expect that a 6870 would floor a 5870 but that is not the case

don't worry about people making fun of you here. this is a professional business and i am sure dso admins would not tolerate it. also think about it... this is a computer site... we are all nerds in one way or another if we are shopping here. hey i like Techno music and the only movie that can make me cry is mandy moors a walk to remember lol. sadly it is also the only chick flick i like hahaha. see we all have our quirks but only the weak of heart are afraid to admit it. this is one place where you can expect not to be judged.

Edited by Raif - 30 Oct 2010 at 2:40am
2.5 Ghz Core duo
Nvidia 9500 gt
3 gb 1033 Mhz ram

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venom View Drop Down

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  Quote venom Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 5:08am
"i would expect that a 6870 would floor a 5870 but that is not the case"

Gotta look at the prices on them though lol.  ~$260 6870, ~$400 5870.
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 8:38am
is there any pure functionality reason that either system would have issues, or is it just about personal preference at this point? 
no, both builds look good to me, it just comes down to what you want to spend at this point
oh and, not that its a big deal, but i meant to choose the creative sound card, not the auzen. no reason in particular, i just know more about creative. from what i've read, they are incredibly similar anyway... actually built on the same hardware, just different drivers maybe?
Would there be heat issues?
no, fermis run hotter than cards before them.. but more power means more resources used. heat wont be an issue, but noise might. dual fermi fans running at full tilt moves some serious air, but thats only going to happen during a very intense game, so its likely you wouldnt even notice
i play with headphones on, i never hear mine
Would I have to  make any special care considerations, air flow, etc.?
nope, both builds have the 932, tough to beat that for air cooling power right now
the only thing you would want to do is modify your GPU fan profile to match your noise/heat preferences
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MagiK View Drop Down
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  Quote MagiK Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 5:14pm
One small reason to go with creative rather than another brand is that MOST developers are likely to be testing their software/games on systems that have either onboard sound or most likely a creative sound card, so the chances of driver problems are a bit lower.  This isnt an absolute case, just something that should factor into the thinking.
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barca View Drop Down

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  Quote barca Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 9:47pm
You guys have been great, and the insights you've provided invaluable to my endeavor at building my dream computer!  After much thought I decided to go with this build:


I added back on the 80 GB solid state, I figure if it's within my budget there's no accounting for what I might want to stick on there to have it come up lightning fast.  Switched to the Creative card for sound, and am going with 2x 470's.

The only other thing I can think of is if anybody knows a good 5.1 sound setup to look at.  Probably want to spend no more than $100 on that.

Thanks guys!

Edited by barca - 30 Oct 2010 at 9:49pm
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  Quote venom Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 9:55pm
Why not go with 2x6870s and save $115 while getting the same if not a bit better performance.

I'd also highly recommend the Corsair power supplies.

Edited by venom - 30 Oct 2010 at 9:56pm
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 10:59pm
Originally posted by barca

The only other thing I can think of is if anybody knows a good 5.1 sound setup to look at.  Probably want to spend no more than $100 on that.
depends on what youre looking for, i prefer headphones by a longshot to speaker setups, for tons of reasons including price
i personally use and could easily reccomend the roccat kaves
i like the build! almost identical to mine if you add a bunch of lights! lol

Edited by !ender_ - 30 Oct 2010 at 11:00pm
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  Quote MagiK Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 30 Oct 2010 at 11:15pm
Just got the Logitech Z5500's  I like them soound great and the Digital connection is all that I could ask for.
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