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@Digital Storm

Post Date: 2012-05-30

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    Posted: 30 May 2012 at 6:53pm
I wanted to take a moment and say something that perhaps other folks do not really care about.

I wanted to say thank you to all of you at Digital Storm.

You guys answer all of my questions, you help me, you tell me how it is, even if it isn't the answer I want to hear.  Thank you.  Thank you for actually knowing what you are talking about when I do call or submit that web-ticket.  Thank you for helping me design what I want in a manner that is solid and performs well, not just another machine going out the door.  I know things go wrong and I know when they do I can just get in touch with you guys and you'll help me out.  Some people will say it is your job to do so and that is true, however, you guys go beyond that.  I can really tell.  It doesn't feel like all these other companies I am used to who seemingly have employees saying: "That's not in my job description."  I had a person at DS helping design a color.  I didn't call an art shop - I called a computer builder.

So really, in short - thank you, for everything - you guys really change the way I look at this business.

You are the best in the business.  Period.

Thanks again.
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