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Elteria Adventures

Post Date: 2019-10-24

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BenjiSup View Drop Down

Joined: 24 Oct 2019
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Posts: 1
  Quote BenjiSup Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: Elteria Adventures
    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 at 1:05pm
Hello! New to this forum and already my first post,

In my recent search for steam games I came across this Gem called Elteria Adventures, the game is in closed alpha but I was lucky enough to get a key a bit after I signed up for it as they give out keys in waves, and you're guaranteed to get one if you just sign up and wait.

The game is an open world survival MMORPG game with not a lot to do atm since its still in alpha, but the features that are in the actual game feel so fun to play with and explore! It feels like they just took fun elements from other games and mashed them together into a genuinely fun game! You can find the trailer on youtube under Elteria Adventures. I would post a link but sadly I'm not allowed to.

Let me know what you think and if or not you'll be signing up for the game. I've played it a lot the past few days and found that when you join a guild there's so many cool things to do, so I would advise you do that asap!
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