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FPS speed

Post Date: 2020-09-20

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Big_DaddyJ View Drop Down

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  Quote Big_DaddyJ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: FPS speed
    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 at 7:16pm
I'm thinking of buying the $700 model, can someone tell me what the FPS speed will be
Jamie carr
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Cretae View Drop Down
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  Quote Cretae Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 21 Sep 2020 at 3:40am
First, on what?
Second, I have yet to see any benchmarks. The card is not on the market yet.

If you are asking about 1440p, Nvidia says the 3070 is faster than a 2080 Ti, and 60% stronger than the RTX 2070, which has been considered the best price/performance choice for that resolution. 60% better will result in much higher frame rates in every single game.
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  Quote Snaike Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 21 Sep 2020 at 6:05am
$700 on the computer?
$700 on the GPU?
$700 on a monitor?

You're going to have to be a bit more specific. Also, different applications have different fps...
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Big_DaddyJ View Drop Down

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  Quote Big_DaddyJ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 21 Sep 2020 at 6:08am
$700 for the pc
Jamie carr
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Cretae View Drop Down
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  Quote Cretae Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 21 Sep 2020 at 8:34am
Apologies. I assumed you were asking about the RTX 3070 from Nvidia which will be released in October. I expect DS will sell that for around $700.

The Lynx base model for $699 does not have a separate graphics card. Graphics are powered by the CPU. As a result, it lags pretty far behind any discrete GPU in gaming. It does fine for general computing: Windows and business apps for example.

That model supplies a jumping off point for a budget gaming rig that you have to modify a bit yourself. FPS are going to vary widely in games, depending on your monitor, and the game itself. There is a vast array of simple games and more interesting games that feature graphics that are more typical of a bygone era in gaming. Those will play adequately on a 1080p monitor (1920x1080 resolution) or less.

For gaming on many of the more popular titles in recent years at good frame rates, you will need to install a video card. On a 1080p monitor, you can get enjoyable frame rates at high settings by adding a GTX 1660 SUPER GPU from Nvidia. They go for ~$230. So, you end up with a very playable gaming rig from DS for under $1000. You can go cheaper than that card, but that's the one that will give you the best results for the next few years.

After you've had that rig for awhile, you will want to upgrade to 16 GB of RAM to help with the games that can access more than 8 GB. Those will play on your Lynx, but you might find you have to reduce some settings for some of them.

Once again, I apologize for misunderstanding your question, and I hope I've given you some clear info on the Lynx 1.
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