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Gaming mods: AMD vs Intel. Which is better?

Post Date: 2020-09-08

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futurehunter2010 View Drop Down

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  Quote futurehunter2010 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: Gaming mods: AMD vs Intel. Which is better?
    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 at 5:15pm

Was not sure if anyone had any advice on this since I am having a hard time finding information about it.
Up to this point I have used Intel, because that is the CPU that came in the laptops I bought.
However I am finally able to save up for a custom PC and find myself with the choice between AMD and Intel. I am reading a lot of good things about AMD, but the bulk of it seems to be with its multitasking ability (aka gaming and streaming at the same time) while Intel still seems to hold the better fps average.
I am at the moment have no plans to stream or use my pc as a workstation though it is a possibility in the future. I am however planning to run mods with games. One of the things I am really looking forward to is playing Skyrim again but with mods. I have tried and searched for some article or another addressing this but I am not really finding much or I may not be understanding fully what I am reading. So I thought I would ask here for personal experience, article/video links, and advice.
If it helps at all I am currently looking at the just announced Nvidia RTX 3080 for my GPU since I want to do 4K gaming when possible, but this could change depending on the AMD Big Navi GPU announcement coming up.
Thank you in advance for your time and help!
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fwfdfireman View Drop Down

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  Quote fwfdfireman Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 08 Sep 2020 at 6:11pm
That is a good debate and it really depends on you.

I have watched tons of videos on YouTube comparing both cpus. In some games the Ryzen beat the Intel in the same class. That there requires separate research, i.e., what games do you mostly see yourself playing now and in the future?

Lots of folks think that in many instances they can save some money by buying AMD and have more to spend on the gpu, ram or storage. Again, up to you and your train of thought.

One guy I like to listen to is JayzTwoCents here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkWQ0gDrqOCarmUKmppD7GQ

Great stuff over the years and tons of useful info. Best of luck on your search for answers.

Edited by fwfdfireman - 08 Sep 2020 at 6:15pm
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Cretae View Drop Down
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  Quote Cretae Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 09 Sep 2020 at 4:12am
Basically, the CPUs these days are so strong, that you're arguing over very slight differences. Intel has the raw speed lead, and likely won't give it up. AMD is specializing in multi-core performance for multi-tasking and higher productivity performance, depending upon the chip. Neither one has any trouble gaming at a very high level compared to just a couple of years ago.

IFIK, mods are mostly in the GPU, and they are killing it now. IMHO, you can choose either brand depending upon availability, task set, and price without sacrificing much in gaming that you would notice for years to come.
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futurehunter2010 View Drop Down

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  Quote futurehunter2010 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 09 Sep 2020 at 8:06am
Originally posted by Cretae

Basically, the CPUs these days are so strong, that you're arguing over very slight differences. Intel has the raw speed lead, and likely won't give it up. AMD is specializing in multi-core performance for multi-tasking and higher productivity performance, depending upon the chip. Neither one has any trouble gaming at a very high level compared to just a couple of years ago.

IFIK, mods are mostly in the GPU, and they are killing it now. IMHO, you can choose either brand depending upon availability, task set, and price without sacrificing much in gaming that you would notice for years to come.

Thank you that puts me mind at ease. I already knew that at 4K the GPU was doing the bulk of the work instead of the CPU, but I did not know that mods were a similar situation.
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