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Help with new gaming PC for my son

Post Date: 2020-12-11

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GamingPCformyson View Drop Down

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  Quote GamingPCformyson Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: Help with new gaming PC for my son
    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 at 4:17pm
Hello, Im not sure where to post this on here, so I apologize if this is not the correct place!

I am trying to upgrade my son's gaming pc. He plays Fortnite and wants to play the new Call of Duty. His current pc does not allow him to play Call of Duty without glitching pretty bad. I have already purchased a new pc but I can still upgrade the graphics card and memory. I just don't know enough about computers to know if these upgrades are worth the extra cost.

Already purchased:

******** ******** ****

10th Gen Intel Core i7 10700F
8 core, 2.9 GHz to 4.8 GHz w/turbo boost max 3.0


256 GB M.2 PCle NVMe SSD (boot) + 1 TB 7200 RPM SATA 6 GB/s

16 GB Dual Channel Hyper X (FM) Fury DDR4 XMP @ 2933 MHz

***I can upgrade the graphics card to;

NVIDIA 2070 Super 8 GB for $150

***I can upgrade the memory from 16 GB @ 2933 MHz to:

32 GB @ 3200 MHz for $200

Any and all help is appreciated! Happy Holidays!

... removed competitor's name ...

Edited by Snaike - 11 Dec 2020 at 9:51pm
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fwfdfireman View Drop Down

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  Quote fwfdfireman Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 5:09am
Since the PC already has a very good cpu for gaming there is no need to upgrade that.

First place to start would be the graphics card. Personally, I would purchase the best card that the motherboard will support. A simple search on this will help you decide. Since you are running a 10th gen Intel chip, then I suspect you can stick in one of the new nVidia 3000 series cards, and I would suggest an RTX 3070.

If you also upgrade the RAM to 32GBs along with the graphics card upgrade, then you will have given your son a PC that will handle games well in to the future, IMHO. Best of luck.

Edited by fwfdfireman - 12 Dec 2020 at 5:09am
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Cretae View Drop Down
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  Quote Cretae Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 7:07am
Is this the PC with the problems, or is this the PC to fix the problems? It's a pretty nice set-up as-is for 1080p gaming.

The screen resolution of his monitor is what you need to drive with a GPU. The strongest and best is not the key if it's overkill for the monitor. To suggest a certain GPU without knowing the monitor resolution is shooting from the hip IMHO.

16GB of RAM is the sweet spot for gaming. 32Gb may come into play at some future moment, but not for quite awhile yet. It's not needed at this time.

If this is the PC to fix what doesn't work, and the monitor is 1080p (1920x1080 resolution), give it a chance to see how it performs before you upgrade it.

Come back with some details, and we can give better advice.
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GamingPCformyson View Drop Down

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  Quote GamingPCformyson Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 9:49am
I apologize for my lack of clarity!   The pc listed above is the new pc I just purchased for him for xmas this year. I am trying to avoid having to upgrade his pc for the next few years after this one. I have the option to still upgrade the graphics card and memory to what is mentioned above, but I dont know if it is necessary. But since I dont want to upgrade this new pc for a few years, perhaps it is "worth it" to spend the few extra hundred dollars now (to upgrade the graphics card/memory) instead of having to do it in the near future.

I know for what he is playing now he likely doesnt need more than the 2060 card and 16 GB memory....but I would rather spend the extra couple hundred now, instead of having to upgrade those next year or something.

MONITOR:   he currently has an MSI Optix G27C4. 27" curved gaming monitor, 1920 x 1080 HDMI DP 165 Hz

Last year for xmas he got (this is the computer he has now, that wont let him play much without freezing a ton.) He was supposed to play in some tournament today but cant bc this computer wont let him.

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz
AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
240 GB SSD & 2 TB HDD

I have witnessed the freezing and lack of being able to play, so I know he isnt just pulling my leg.

I also know he only has 8 GB and needs 16 GB for COD. But I assume he should be able to play SOMETHING without freezing a ton.

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Cretae View Drop Down
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  Quote Cretae Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2020 at 10:11am
To upgrade unnecessarily now denies the inevitable fact that the same money spent a couple of years from now will get you much better, more capable technology.

IMO, that is a great monitor, and the 2070 SUPER will do better on it. Yeah, it's older tech, but the new GPUs are overpowered for 1080p. If you can get the 2070 S for $150 I can recommend that. It's last generation's price/performance choice for solid gaming at 1440p, so it, too is a mite overpowered. At that price though, it's a steal. Used to be ~$500.

$200 is way too much for 32GB of RAM. He doesn't need it, but if you want it, get something like 2 16GB sticks of Corsair Vengeance 3200 MHz on Amazon for ~$130. Don't get too carried away with RAM speed. It doesn't make that much difference, and if it exceeds your mobo's specs, it will only run at the highest speed supported.
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