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Intel Extreme Masters adds World of Warcraft.

Post Date: 2008-06-19

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skyR View Drop Down

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  Quote skyR Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: Intel Extreme Masters adds World of Warcraft.
    Posted: 19 Jun 2008 at 1:25pm
750,000USD Prize Money for Counter-Strike 1.6 and World of Warcraft

For the previous seasons of the Intel Extreme Masters the games Counter-Strike 1.6 and Warcraft 3 were the two main disciplines. For the third season we are exchanging one game. Instead of Warcraft 3, the world's most popular MMORPG, played by more than 10 million players, will be the second title: World of Warcraft. At the Blizzard and Intel Warcraft Weekend in Hamburg and at the Intel Extreme Masters at DreamHack the ESL presented two major tournaments that introduced WoW to the eSports audience.

source: ESL-world
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!ender_ View Drop Down
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 19 Jun 2008 at 2:04pm
solid proof that all of this stuff will come back to money and not gameplay
good thing we have the internet for off grid competitions of real games =/
ie open that source link and look at the comments.

Edited by !ender_ - 19 Jun 2008 at 2:05pm
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skyR View Drop Down

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  Quote skyR Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 19 Jun 2008 at 2:10pm
WoW does take skill.. believe it not. Anybody who disagrees is just another hater/fanboi.

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!ender_ View Drop Down
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 19 Jun 2008 at 3:49pm
sorry but i played wow,
led a successful guild from 8 people starting out to farming gruul a month later
played on several pvp teams, before the honor-fk
played on several successful arena teams 2v2/3v3
i cancelled when most guilds were reaching the first bosses in SSC, and I've participated in killing every raid/instance boss up to void reaver, and leading every fight before SSC
Ive raided on every class at level 70 (not every spec)... sometimes more than one class at a time
and to this day i feel that not only is wow the easiest game ive ever played (in any aspect) but the single least interesting or difficult game from a competitve angle, it started out on the right track, but ended up selling out hardcore
when youve played 1.6 at cal m and/or played competitive Starcraft, quake, UT series, its extremely difficult to look at WoW as a "competition" game. the community already responded, and no one likes it... not even to play it, let alone watch it
And saying "anyone who disagrees" infront of any statement is the very fiber of being a bandwagon fanboy
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skyR View Drop Down

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  Quote skyR Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 19 Jun 2008 at 4:15pm
If World of Warcraft was so EASY, why is it that the same teams dominate the online qualifiers and MLG SD?

If no one played it, would you really think sponsers would dump millions into the game?

Unless you play the actual game, a course the game is going to be boring to watch. This goes for every game, it's one of the reasons why CGS did MR9 for CSS.

Successful? Everyone defines the word differently. The fact that you listed the bosses you killed but not arena rating you achieved shows how much of a hater you are.

Just shows how ignorant some people are by saying WoW is easy and than go on and defend the statement by saying I killed scripted nerfed bosses.
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!ender_ View Drop Down
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 19 Jun 2008 at 5:11pm
didnt bother posting area or my pvp k:d and w:l ratios as a blatant statement of how completely irrelavant they are, if it matters so much
2 gms on my pvp team 'AiD' pre honor nerf, i was 2 away when i stopped
2v2 evil closet monkeys, averaged around 2300
3v3 evil closet pandas, averaged around 2000
listing bosses shows expeirence, especially when you consider the fact that wow lasted quite a long time before the arena even existed, theres little point in trying to play off that pvp is the point of the title, wow is huge because of its causal gamer base, its so easy and completely nerfed, that entire families can play it together, hence the single and all-deciding fact of why 'competitive' wow will never be taken seriously: arena is nothing but a SECTION of the game itself, and so long as blizz has to please the masses, the game wont be difficult or even challenging to play, making thier 'competitions' not only mundane to watch but nothing more than an over-glorified graphical representation of paper rock scissors meets blackjack
all this goes straight back to big names letting down hardcore players by selling out to nerf games into making them more public friendly.
the competition gaming community is becoming increasingly lost, theres little left to do but hope for things to settle on the other end when more people are able to build games that are built on competition not mass profits
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Aich Shaoden View Drop Down
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  Quote Aich Shaoden Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 19 Jun 2008 at 11:32pm
Originally posted by skyR

If World of Warcraft was so EASY, why is it that the same teams dominate the online qualifiers and MLG SD?

If no one played it, would you really think sponsers would dump millions into the game?

Unless you play the actual game, a course the game is going to be boring to watch. This goes for every game, it's one of the reasons why CGS did MR9 for CSS.

Successful? Everyone defines the word differently. The fact that you listed the bosses you killed but not arena rating you achieved shows how much of a hater you are.

Just shows how ignorant some people are by saying WoW is easy and than go on and defend the statement by saying I killed scripted nerfed bosses.
WoW only got so many players because EQ got old and started getting borning.
It was a chace to start over in a new world. Which is why people flock to new MMORPG, like Vanguard/AoC myself included, a chance to be in a new world first.
WoW was easier then EQ because people knew what they needed to do to play these tyes of games since playing EQ. EQ built WoW.
EQ gave a new /world/experience/direction to MUD(google it if need be) players.
WoW gave EQ players an alternative/faster aproach to the same thing.
Faster + less effort = watered down less involved world.
It feeds the give me now mentality of young kids today, which means cash flow to a business man, which is what hapened. They wanted fast money and saw an chance, not a  chance for a quality game for years and for people to enjoy and get involved in.
I am comparing WoW to old schol EQ, which I started in 2000, month post Kunark release.
Hard = longer, but that means people are more involved in the game, helping each other aka living breathing world. An excape which is why we play these types of games.
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