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New gaming PC

Post Date: 2023-02-17

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Gihzmo View Drop Down

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  Quote Gihzmo Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: New gaming PC
    Posted: 17 Feb 2023 at 5:17am
I have built my own PCs for over 20 years now, but I kind of just want to get something that works and not have to fiddle with it too much. I sent this to an email I got from digital storm sales team but I didn’t get a response.

I don’t have a hard budget. But I would love to stay under 2k. Basically best bang for the buck.


My current system is a Ryzen 3600+ RTX 2060. I am using a 1440p 144hz monitor, and typically playing AAA coop, or single player games. Right now I have been playing CyberPunk, God of War, DarkTide, Star Citizen and Hogwarts Legacy.

I am hoping to build a system that will last for the next several generations and be able to run the most demanding games at 1440p maxed out. Ideally I would also like to be able to run Flight simulator on a Quest 2 at a decent frame rate (30 FPS stable +). I do not plan to play anything at 4k other than Flight Simulator on VR.

I do not need a keyboard, monitor mouse etc, really just the PC itself. I do not have an exact budget, I am trying to get some ideas of what it would cost to meet those requirements.

Gaming primarily, but I do office work on it as well. I do not plan to do anything 4K outside or the quest 2 VR for flight simulator.

Special Needs:
No special needs.

Saved Ticket #: I don’t have one

I am not set in stone but I was leaning towards a 13600k with 32g RAM and a 4070 ti
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Hort View Drop Down

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  Quote Hort Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 17 Feb 2023 at 6:59am
Go to the configurator and put something together - easy to do for somebody who has built their own PC's as you say. A custom Lumos - barebones Ryzen can be kjept in your budget but not with a 4070. A Lynx w/Intel plus a 4070 and 32mb ram would be at around $2100 - but I'd personally want a different MOBO and more storage...
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Cretae View Drop Down
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  Quote Cretae Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 17 Feb 2023 at 12:01pm
As economical as I can recommend for what you want without cutting corners:


The 4070 Ti is great, but it's overkill and busts your budget. the 3070 Ti will serve well, if you so choose. Doubts? I would never recommend a 3080 for gaming at 1440p, and have a look at this:


28% stronger than a last gen overkill. Waste of your money IMHO. what you want is the release of the next level or two down if you want a 4000 series without overpaying for your use.

Up to you, but you can't hit your sweetspot around 2K with a 4070 Ti.
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