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RGB Remote Not Connecting To New Controller

Post Date: 2023-03-16

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jsnyd21 View Drop Down

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  Quote jsnyd21 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: RGB Remote Not Connecting To New Controller
    Posted: 16 Mar 2023 at 1:42pm

I'm having trouble connecting my rgb remote to my new rgb controller and nobody seems to understand why.

Here's the story - I bought this PC off of my friend who lost the rgb remote.

I called Digital Storm expecting them to send me a new remote, but they sent me a new controller to go along with it.

It was a pretty straightforward install, just took off the side panel and plugged everything from the old one into the new one in the same slots.

Anyways, I was told to "press and hold the lock button for 5 seconds" or "press the lock button repeatedly 5 times" while pointing at the controller.

I'm not over-exaggerating, I did both of these and more atleast 50 times within the past 2 days.

The latest information I have from the assembly team is that something might be "shorting" the RGB's because they don't light up rainbow when I initially start the PC (which I assume is supposed to happen?).

They told me the solution to this is to try unplugging the RGB slots from the new controller and plug them back in.

I've done 3 times already now and I'm losing my mind.

I asked to speak with someone from the assembly team but the guy I spoke with said that may not be possible.

Does anybody have any ideas on what could be going on here?

Thanks so much.

(P.S.) If you want any pictures of the PC or controllers I have a bunch so let me know.
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