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Slade: The quiet one

Post Date: 2013-07-01

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Dakota Red View Drop Down

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  Quote Dakota Red Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: Slade: The quiet one
    Posted: 01 Jul 2013 at 7:26pm

I received my Digital Storm Slade desktop computer last Friday. Below is the

System Configuration:

Chassis Model: Special Deal Hot Seller - Corsair Obsidian 550D

Processor: Intel Core i7 4770K 3.50 GHz (Unlocked CPU) (Quad Core)

Motherboard: ASUS Sabertooth Z87 (Intel Z87 Chipset)

System Memory: 16GB DDR3 1600MHz Digital Storm Certified Performance Series

Power Supply: 1050W Corsair Pro Silver 1050HX (SLI Compatible)

Hard Drive Set 1: Operating System: 1x (480GB Solid State (By: Corsair) (Model: Neutron GTX Series) (SATA 6Gbps)

Hard Drive Set 2: Multimedia\Data: 1x (1TB Western Digital/Seagate (7200 RPM)

Optical Drive 1: ASUS Blu-Ray Player/DVD Writer (Model: BC-12B1ST)

Internet Access: High Speed Network Port

Video Card(s): 1x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 3GB (Includes PhysX)

Sound Card: Integrated Motherboard Audio

Extreme Cooling: H20: Stage 2: Digital Storm Vortex 240mm Radiator Liquid CPU

Cooler (Extreme-Performance Edition) (What was installed was a Corsair H20i Liquid CPU Cooler. Sweet!)

Chassis Airflow: Standard Factory Chassis Fans

Noise Reduction: Noise Suppression Package Stage 1

CPU Boost: Stage 1: Overclock CPU 4.0GHz to 4.4GHz

Windows OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (64-Bit Edition)

Recovery Tools: Advanced Recovery Kit (40GB Hard Drive Partition of Image With OS & Drivers)

Ship Within 10-15 Business Days After Order Is Successfully Processed

Warranty: Life-time Expert Customer Care with 3 Year Limited Warranty


 I had FedEx deliver it to their local “FedEx Office” so that I could pick it up when it was convenient for me. So I did not have to take a day off from work to sign for it or make sure it was not left on my front porch. I only worked in the morning so I got to the “FedEx Office” about 12. I had the computer loaded up in my truck in about 3 minutes and about 5 minutes later I was home.  Here is a picture of my boxed computer sitting on the tail gate of my truck.



After carrying this humongous 45 pound box to my 2nd story office I opened it and found not a scratch on it. Here are some pictures of the unboxing.




As you can see in the picture, DS puts tape over all panels to make sure they do not spring open during shipping.


After I got it out of the box I removed all the tape and then removed the side panel so I could remove the foam bag from the inside. Here is a picture of the inside of my computer after I removed the foam bag.




Notice the neat wiring job. As I mentioned in my other post, this is my second computer from Digital Storm. I was so impressed with my first computer from DS that I didn’t even look at any other builders when I wanted to buy a new computer.  The build quality, the fact that they make sure that only the best parts are used, and the fact that they work right out of the box has made me a repeat buyer.


I think this Corsair 550D case is one of the nicest looking cases on the market. It looks great sitting next to my desk.


Now it was time to turn this bad boy on and see what he could do. Uh-Oh! Nothing happened. No lights! No bells! No whistles! I checked all the cables and it still would not power on. Was I going to have to eat my words about DS computers working right out of the box. I opened it up and made sure nothing had come loose during shipping. It still did not power on. I sat there and thought, “If DS could get it to power on, why can’t I”. It seems that power is not even getting to the motherboard (nothing was lighting up on the motherboard). I needed to check the power cable again. What is this? The power cable plug was only half way in. It could not be something so simple. I pushed the power button on the front and, VOILA! It powered on. It could not be that simple. I could not have made such a rookie mistake. I have owned and worked on PCs since ’84.  Heck I owned one of the first computers made for the retail market (IBM PCjr). I guess that goes to show you that we all need to do the basic things right.


It was a beautiful thing to see the BIOS screen on my monitor. Once Windows started I made sure Windows Defender was turned on and then shut Windows and my computer down so that I could attach my printer and internet cable (I know, many people don’t turn their computers off to attach peripherals but I guess I’m just old school like that). Once I had Windows up and running I made sure that my internet connection was good, then I found Windows Update and started it. I had close to 160 updates to Windows that first day. Then as I loaded other software over the next 2 days Windows decided that it needed another 24 updates. Then today after loading “Office” it needed close to 30 updates. This is just crazy.


After all that I was able to play with it some over the weekend. The only game I am playing right now is SWTOR (I also play Guild Wars 2, but I haven’t tried it yet with this computer). Am I able to play it with most of the settings maxed out. Yes, and it plays very smoothly. No graphic hiccups. My older DS computer could play it at middle to high settings. With an over 2 year old computer it was having problems with running my Dell 30” monitor which has a resolution of 2560 x 1600. That is a lot of pixels to push through a 2 year old graphics card. My in game settings are at max except for “shadows” which I always turn off (I just don’t like shadows in games so I turn them off in every game I can). Another important thing with this computer is that it is so quiet. All you can hear is just a whisper from the fans. This 550D case has sound deadening material on the inside and the fans are almost undetectable. I could see that the front power light was on but I would have to bend over and put my ear a few inches from the computer to hear the faint sound of the fans running.


I did have a few problems with the computer. There were 2 small pieces rattling around inside (I removed them when I removed the foam bag), the bottom front fan does not work (DS is sending me a new fan), and the NVidia Control software was set with the PhysX being set to the CPU (I switched it over to the graphics card). I hate to even mention these things because they are so small that they don’t really rate as problems to me. Other than these things this computer is perfect. I have owned and helped friends and relatives buy many computers over the last 29 years and the two Digital Storm computers I have owned are the best computers I have ever seen.

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  Quote retirednavysnipe Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 01 Jul 2013 at 8:31pm
Great review and great looking system Dakota, Congratulations and have some fun gaming at ultra settings.

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  Quote ArkansasWoman777 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 01 Jul 2013 at 8:32pm
Awesome review and setup.
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DomTheBomb View Drop Down

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  Quote DomTheBomb Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 02 Jul 2013 at 7:21am
Congrats on your new system!

Also I noticed I have the same Logitech speakers that you do.
DS x17, 1 Year 5 Months
i7 3720QM (2.6GHz/3.6GHz)
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  Quote oldlady RPGer Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 02 Jul 2013 at 8:33am
NICE review and an awesome rig!
Me sitting my ECMO in PICU. Now you know why I like LC. ;)

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bprat22 View Drop Down

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  Quote bprat22 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 02 Jul 2013 at 8:35am
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Alex View Drop Down
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  Quote Alex Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 03 Jul 2013 at 1:59pm
Thank you for posting pictures and doing the review!
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fstcvc View Drop Down
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  Quote fstcvc Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 09 Jul 2013 at 12:20am
Thanks for the great review and posting pics of your rocking system!
Sure to bring you years of gaming enjoyment (and I'm sure using it for office work ain't bad either).
This is the almost the exact same build I was going to do until I decided to nearly double my budget and go full force.
HailStorm II
i7 4770K @ 4.5GHz
Asus Maximus VI Extreme
16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum
Samsung 840Pro SSD 256GB+512GB
HydroLux+XSPC CPU/MoBo/GPU Liquid Cooling
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Dakota Red View Drop Down

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  Quote Dakota Red Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Jul 2013 at 8:29pm
Wow @fstcvc you really must have doubled your budget if that is the build you went with at the end of your post. That looks like it will be an awesome computer after DS gets done building it.Strong Good luck. I have had mine for 2 weeks now and I am more thrilled with this bad boy now than when I first got it. There are the best and newest components inside this Corsair 550D case and it sits on the floor next to me. And I hear nothing! If I stop working, look straight at the computer, and then concentrate on listening for noise, all I can hear is a very slight hum. That is all! I have had many computers over the years and I don't remember one this quiet. It is as quiet as my laptop but I can do so much more with this. I did not know having a quiet computer would make this big of a difference with me, but it has. I don't know if I will ever go back to a non-quiet build.Big%20Smile Again, good luck @fstcvc (and everyone else who is in the process of having a new computer built). Please post pictures and give a review after you get your new beast.
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gopr0ne View Drop Down

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  Quote gopr0ne Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 27 Jul 2013 at 6:09pm
Excellent review Dakota Red. I found it extremely helpful as I am just about ready to pull the trigger on a Slade system and I'm on the fence with regards to the H20 cooling options. I'm really trying to find a good balance between cooling and quiet and the Slade obviously seems to fit the bill. Plus I love the quality and understated look of the 550D case.

Seeing as you opted for the top mounted 240mm cooling, I'm really interested in your thoughts there. I keep vacillating between the rear mounted (and DS recommended) 120mm option and the top mounted Corsair H100i 240mm radiator. On the one hand, removing any sound insulated panels defeats the purpose of the Slade set up, but on the other hand, I want to be sure I'm not sacrificing too much on CPU cooling. I've never owned a top mount radiator system, so I really have nothing to compare to with regards to noise level. My current system has a rear mounted 120mm radiator and the top is open, so I'm accustom to hearing some fan noise, but will I be overwhelmed by the noise level with top mounted 240's?

You mentioned that you don't even hear yours running, so I'm assuming then that the answer to my questions is no, but I'd just like to clarify it a bit more. I had a short chat with a DS sales rep the other day and he actually seemed a little irritated by my questions with regards to upgrading the stock fans and/or adding additional fans and that I was even considering the 240mm radiator....?? Like I didn't even understand what the Slade was all about. He flat out told me if I wanted to do anything like that then I should just go with another system. Well, I get it and I do understand that removing a panel compromises the concept, but like I said, I'm just trying to find a good balance between silence and cooling.

So, any insight and wisdom you can impart would be most appreciated!

Thanks again for the awesome review and your feedback

P.S.I have the same speakers and keyboard! Just gotem' and they are both pretty awesome!!
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Alex View Drop Down
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  Quote Alex Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 27 Jul 2013 at 7:23pm
It's going to be hard to try to get a quiet system like the SLADE but with 240mm radiators as it causes us to open the big vents and have noise leak out.

Not sure how quiet you would like the rig, but even with a 240mm liquid cooler, the system is still very quiet to many users.
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gopr0ne View Drop Down

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  Quote gopr0ne Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 28 Jul 2013 at 10:22am
Thanks for the feedback Alex. I know I would be ruining the whole point of the Slade concept with the removal of the top panel for the extra cooling and I think I can live with that, but I'm just not 100% sure. I've seen another user review who complained about the fan noise like it was a freight train (I think his fans might have been running at 100%?). Then I see Dakota Red's review and he says "All you can hear is just a whisper from the fans", so one extreme to another and hence my hesitation. Hoping to hear back from Dakota Red too.

Alex, do you have any input regarding the two 240 solutions that you guys offer? According to the specs, both are made by the same company, so just wondering then what the actual differences are?

Thanks again for your feedback Alex!

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Alex View Drop Down
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  Quote Alex Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 28 Jul 2013 at 10:27am
You're welcome. It depends on what cooler you have. If you go with the Corsair H100i option we sell, you can control the fans to a quiet setting so this would not be an issue.
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ArkansasWoman777 View Drop Down
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  Quote ArkansasWoman777 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 28 Jul 2013 at 10:29am
Some people are able to hear sound differently from others so Dakota Red's hearing might not be as sensitive as the other persons hearing.
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  Quote Alex Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 28 Jul 2013 at 10:31am
Exactly. I can definitely say that no 240mm cooler will sound like a vacuum or leaf blower.
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gopr0ne View Drop Down

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  Quote gopr0ne Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 28 Jul 2013 at 11:54am
Thanks Alex. I don't think so either. I just posted my config in the discussions forum, so I'll be interested to hear what any others have to say about it.

@ArkansasWoman777 - good point! It's entirely possible Dakota Red could be hard of hearing I guess? LOL!!!!
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Dakota Red View Drop Down

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  Quote Dakota Red Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 15 Aug 2013 at 3:20am
Originally posted by gopr0ne

Thanks Alex. I don't think so either. I just posted my config in the discussions forum, so I'll be interested to hear what any others have to say about it.

@ArkansasWoman777 - good point! It's entirely possible Dakota Red could be hard of hearing I guess? LOL!!!!

Sorry about being so late to post a reply but I just discovered that my review was switched over to the reviews section from the general section.

To let everyone know, I was being 100% truthful with the statement that I only get a whisper of fan noise from my Slade and I am not hard of hearing.  lol.  Big%20Smile
gopr0ne, I have no idea why the DS representative got upset with your questions about the noise levels when you add the top radiator with the 2 fans and have to uncover the top vent. I will state it again that only a whisper of noise comes from my fans. How is this possible with 7 fans. (1 fan inside the power supply - 1 fan in the video card - 2 top radiator fans - 2 front case fans - 1 rear case fan) The Corsair 550D case does have sound deadening material on all sides of the interior and I was thinking the same thing as you that by uncovering the top vent and adding the 2 fans for the top mounted radiator it would be a direct opening to let the fan noise escape. Does my setup allow more fan noise to escape than  a standard 120 mm radiator on the rear of the case with 1 fan? I am sure that it does but that does not change the fact that I only have a very, very small amount of fan noise escape from my case. Let's take a step back and look at 2 issues. I went with the larger top mounted radiator because when you build a computer in a case with a lot of sound deadening material you are also trapping in the heat generated by your computer components. You have to have superior air flow through the case. That means that you need more fans and for the large heat producing Haswell cpu it is a good idea to have a radiator. This is why the base Slade comes with the smaller rear case mounted 120mm radiator. With my build I also had the Nvidia GTX 780 which produces a lot of heat when it has a high load. That could put more heat inside the case because the early versions of this card (like my card) only have 1 fan. (I have started to see more recent versions of this video card have 2 fans.) The other issue is the case. I am like you in that I love the understated look of this case and Corsair did a great job making it a quiet case with all the sound deadening material on the inside. But Corsair also put their most quiet fans inside this case also. It would defeat the purpose of a "Quiet Case" if you installed high noise fans in it. Corsair also put a low noise fan on their radiators. Whether you go with the 120mm or 240mm radiator Corsair has low noise fans attached to it. I have had this Slade now for 2 months and I have never had more than a very small amount of noise come out of this case (even with the top vent panel removed which is what you must do so that the radiator can breathe). I have even taken a nap sitting right next to my computer while it was doing a virus scan. Smile  Again I will say I don't know why the DS person you talked to or Alex would imply that you will not have a very quiet computer if you go with the top mounted 240mm radiator in the Slade. As that New England coach is famous for saying, "I can only go by what I see." (Or in this case , what I can hear.) and tell you that my computer is SUPER QUIET.

Edited by Dakota Red - 15 Aug 2013 at 1:17pm
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Alex View Drop Down
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  Quote Alex Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 15 Aug 2013 at 11:42am
Thank you for the reply! We simply want to under promise and over deliver. The last thing we want is for a customer to purchase a "quiet" system and have it arrive being loud.
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andy View Drop Down

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  Quote andy Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 15 Aug 2013 at 9:54pm
i would like to appreciate you for sharing such a great info with usOops
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Dakota Red View Drop Down

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  Quote Dakota Red Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 06 Jan 2014 at 3:20am
Hi everyone, I thought I might give everyone a 6 month update. Everything is going great with my DS Slade. No problem whatsoever. No calls to DS customer support. No problems with any games or software. It is still super quiet and no heat problems. On a regular basis I clean the inside. One day several months ago I had the side panel off to clean out any dust that might have collected on the inside and I looked at the side panel vent (this case comes with several covered vents). I thought this might be the time to attach a few extra fans. I want everyone to know that I was having no problems with heat buildup inside my case. I guess I was a little bored that day and just wanted to tinker with my computer. Now usually if your computer is working great you don't want to mess with it and take the chance of causing a problem. Installing a fan or two is usually one of the safest and easiest things you can do. I did have a couple of fans laying around and the side panel vent had the mounting holes  for a pair of fans. The side panel vent does have a cover that I removed first and 15 minutes (or less) later I had them installed. I have been using the extra fans for a couple of months and even though they have lowered the inside temperature by a degree or two it has also added fan noise coming from my computer.  I posted originally that it was whisper quiet. I would have to get very close to hear any noise and even then it was only a slight hum of the fans turning. My computer is still quieter than any of the other computers I have had but if I concentrate  I can hear the slight hum of the two new fans. (I sit approx. 3 feet from my computer) I guess I should remove the fans, replace the vent cover, and return my computer to ultra quiet but I just haven't had the motivation (or been bored enough  Smile ). So there you have it, after 6 months my DS Slade computer is still running strong and very quiet with no problems. It has been everything I hoped it would be.
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  Quote bprat22 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 06 Jan 2014 at 3:50am
Great to hear.    Thanks for the update and Enjoy.
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ArkansasWoman777 View Drop Down
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  Quote ArkansasWoman777 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 06 Jan 2014 at 4:11am
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Bahger View Drop Down

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  Quote Bahger Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 04 Mar 2014 at 4:54pm
Interesting discussion. My new Slade is being built right now. I kept the standard 120mm CPU water cooling setup but upgraded the fans. I live in a hot, dusty climate so I wanted to ask you two things:

- Do you run your Slade with all the covers on to keep dust out but, if so, are you seeing higher temps?

- How do you clean out the interior? I am a little reluctant to use high-pressure air or even the micro-vacuum cleaner I bought a while back.

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Dakota Red View Drop Down

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  Quote Dakota Red Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 1:53am
Hi Bahger, welcome to the forums and congrats on choosing the DS Slade.

The Corsair 550D case has four fan mounting positions - Top, Front, Side and Rear - with the possibility of mounting  2 fans at each location. A radiator can be mounted at either the rear or the top vents. Only the top and side come with covers. If your Slade has your radiator positioned at the case vents on the top you will need to remove the cover off the top of the case before you start your computer. After DS installs fans and radiators they leave the 2 covers in place for shipment to you. When you receive your Slade you need to remove any covers over the fans or radiator before you start your computer. The fans will not work properly if the covers are  not removed over them. All covers are off my Slade at this time because I have a top mounted radiator/fans and as I stated in a previous post I installed 2 fans on the side panel. I did not see high temps before I installed the 2 side panel fans and after I noticed only a slight lowering of temps. In fact I am thinking of removing the 2 side panel fans so that I can get rid of the very slight hum that the 2 fans generate. This is not real high on my list of things that I need to do so who knows when I'll get around to it. Chilling

I think there is more dust on the interior of my case since I installed the 2 side panel fans but not a whole lot more than before. I live in Ohio and it is Winter right now so my house is buttoned up very tight. I buy better quality filters for my furnace and there is not a whole lot of dust in my house right now. Once warmer weather comes I open my windows and I start to see more dust in my house and inside my computers. I usually clean the insides about once a month with a can of compressed air. I remove both side panels so that I can clean the area behind the motherboard tray. I place a finger lightly on a fan blade whenever I direct a blast of air at a fan. Maybe you can post in the General Discussion section to find out how others clean their computers.

Please post in General Discussions how it is going with your Slade build and once you receive it post a review with pictures. Many of us enjoy hearing about peoples experiences with buying DS computers.
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  Quote ArkansasWoman777 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 4:17am
You might want to try looking into this http://www.amazon.com/Metro-Vacuum-ED500-500-Watt-Electric/dp/B001J4ZOAW/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t if you aren't interested in buying compressed air.

Now i don't have it but from reading the reviews it works great. I plan on getting one soon.

Edited by ArkansasWoman777 - 05 Mar 2014 at 4:19am
"Captain Sirius Black"
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  Quote Bahger Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 7:18am
Many thanks for the helpful responses.

I am very glad to know that the fans will not operate with the covers on. Makes sense. There are exterior dust filters that will not inhibit the operation of the fans, I assume. My Slade has the standard 120mm liquid cooling assembly so I will not need to open up the top. I also upgraded the fan options, which gives me two side fans, I believe. Would I be right in thinking that it's ok to run the PC with covers on, i.e. it will not harm or break the fans behind those covers, merely stop them from operating? Might be worth seeing if my rig runs cool enough with the side panel on, as more dust gets into a computer when it's running than when it's idle.

I will get that great gizmo from Amazon. I have a micro-vacuum but it runs very hot and is probably dangerous junk. Thanks!
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  Quote bprat22 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 7:42am
Just to clear up a misconception...  The fans will operate with the covers on, no switch to tell them otherwise.  I believe Dakota  meant, the covers need to remain off for the fans to operate correctly.    If you put the covers on over the fans, the fans stay on and could get damaged. 

Unless you specified for DS to install the 2 side fans, the fan upgrade doesn't do that.  Most want the Slade for quiet, and adding the fans, removing the side and top cover, can defeat that for some.


Edited by bprat22 - 05 Mar 2014 at 7:56am
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  Quote Bahger Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 9:05am
Wait a minute...  I'm probably being dense here -- and I don't have my Slade yet, so I cannot verify in person -- but the demo video on the site seems to indicate that, with the front panel in place, the fans pull air in from recessed side vents.  Is this not the case?  What's the point of putting noise-absorbent foam on the front panel if it cannot be used while the computer is running because it will possibly damage the fans behind it? 
My impression (again, I am smart but can be obtuse at times) is that there are two panels on the front lined with noise-absorbent foam.  The large front panel can be opened or closed via hinges, or removed completely.  Behind that, there is another panel with noise-absorbent material that can be removed to access the dust filter beneath it.  Do both of these panels have to be removed when the PC is switched on?
You're right, bprat22, the fan upgrade does not get me side fans but seems to improve the size or quality of the existing fans.  So, with no fans on the side, I assume I can run the PC with the rectangular panel on or off, with the "off" option providing more venting but less dust and noise protection through the rectangular aperture in the side where the optional fans would be.  Same thing on the top. I assume I can run the machine with the top rectangular panel either on or off as there are no fans or radiator here on my build.
Noise limitation is important to me, but so is airflow in the summer, so for this reason I assumed I could experiment with running the rig with the side and top dust-protected panels on or off.  I also assumed that, if there is noise-protective material on the front panels, they must be designed to be in place when the computer is actually in operation but it appears that I must remove all front panels whenever the PC is on?  I'd be grateful if someone could rescue me from my own defective mental processes regarding this issue and clarify, thank you! 

Edited by Bahger - 05 Mar 2014 at 9:08am
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  Quote bprat22 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 9:28am
The two front fans do work with the front panel on.    I meant the side panel(left side cover) or top panel..  Those panels need to be off if fans were mounted there.  Without the added fans, the side and top panels can be off or on if you wanted to test it both ways.

But, your right...  The front panel and its filter stays put.   The front panel has sound material behind it.  Air enters the front through the side/front grates along the edge, allowing the front cover to act as a noise barrier. 

Edited by bprat22 - 05 Mar 2014 at 9:32am
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  Quote Bahger Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 10:01am
Great, thanks so much for the clarification.
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  Quote bprat22 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 10:11am
Always a pleasure.  Big%20Smile
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  Quote Tidgxor Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 10:36am
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  Quote Dakota Red Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 5:38pm
Thanks bpratt22 for explaining the front panel better than I did for bahger. The front of the 550D case has a door/cover, with sound deadening material on the back of it, that can swing open to either the left or the right. The door/cover does not fit snugly against the case side panels. This small opening on both sides of the door/cover allows air to be pulled through the front fans into the computer. When the computer is turned on and the front door/cover is closed the front fans can still pull air in around the left and right sides of the door/cover. The sound deadening material on the back side of the door/cover can then help baffle any noise coming from the front fans. Behind the front door/cover is where the front panel is located. The very top of the front panel is where the power and reset button are located along with the usb ports. The rest of the top half of the front panel has the drive bays. The lower half of the front panel has a removable vent panel that covers the 2 front fans. This vent panel can remain in place while the computer is running because there are air vents along the left and right sides to allow air to get to the fans. The only vent panels that need to be removed (if fans are installed behind them) are the top and side vent panels. If no fans are installed at these 2 locations it is your option to leave them on or take them off. Hope this clarifies the vent covers for you.
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  Quote bprat22 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 6:02pm
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  Quote Bahger Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 05 Mar 2014 at 6:11pm
Totally clear now. My Slade is in Stage 6 so I might get it by the end of next week! That would be just under two weeks from time of ordering, compared with the six weeks it took to assemble and ship my first DS PC in the early days of DS.

Edited by Bahger - 05 Mar 2014 at 6:35pm
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