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Stability Tests Prime95 (Overclock, CPU, Memory)

Post Date: 2010-09-16

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!ender_ View Drop Down
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  Quote !ender_ Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: Stability Tests Prime95 (Overclock, CPU, Memory)
    Posted: 16 Sep 2010 at 10:06pm
This is an extention of the Technical Support Guide found here
Prime95 is the ultimate torture test. It tests your CPU and RAM. It is currently the best tool to use to ensure your system is running as stable as possible, so I'm going to show you how to use it.
First you need to download it here: http://mersenneforum.org/gimps/p95v2511.zip
Its actually quite easy to use, but before you start, you need to have a program that will watch your processor's temperatures. Since I am a little paranoid, I prefer to use both Coretemps (link) and Realtemps (link)
This is an optional step, but its not a bad idea.
In Coretemps, go to options, settings, overheat protection:
Activate at specified temperature = 87c
Shut down options = Enabled, Power down after 5 seconds.
Open prime95 and select Blend test, it should already be selected when you open.
Click OK to start it.
You need to let Prime run for at least 12 hours. This overheat protection is sort of a safety net to help make sure you don't damage anything. But its a good idea to try and keep an eye on it yourself for an hour or so. I reccomend not letting it go over 85. I believe Digital Storm says it is ok to get to 90.
If you come back to the computer and it has crashed or restarted OR if one of the small windows inside Prime 95 says something like "Test ran 45 minutes - 1 errors 0 warnings" this means your computer did not pass the test.
Go up to "Resetting your BIOS" found in the Technical Assistance Guide http://digitalstormonline.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=12038#137781
After you reset your BIOS to defaults, start Prime95 blend test again (open Coretemps and make sure your overheat protection options were saved. If you do not pass 12 hours with the BIOS reset. You will need to contact DSO. You can reach contact Tech Support at http://digitalstormonline.com/customerservice.asp 
If you pass the testing with your BIOS at default, the overclock was unstable. Post in the Performance/Overclocking section for help or contact Digital Storm to help you troubleshoot.

Edited by !ender_ - 17 Sep 2010 at 6:11pm
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