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X58 motherboard sightings at IDF

Post Date: 2008-10-20

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    Posted: 20 Oct 2008 at 12:56pm
X58 motherboard sightings at IDF

IDF Taipei: A few new boards

We spotted a few X58 boards that haven't really been out in the open so far during IDF Taipei today and although a wide range of boards was displayed, we didn't have a chance to photograph them all as the keynote this morning ran over time, but we tried to snap as many as we could.

First up we have the ECS X58B-A which we've seen before, but this appeared to be a final version of the board.

Next we have Foxconn's BloodRage that we wrote about on Friday and as you can see on the picture, it has two holes for each of the CPU cooler legs, so that you can use LGA 775 coolers with the board. This is not the final chipset cooling as the board will have a heatpipe solution with a watercooling option.

Next up is Gigabyte's Ga-EX58-UD5 which is a simpler version of the Extreme which we've already seen.

Then we have MSI's "budget" X58 board, the X58 Platinum which only has a pair of x16 PCIe slots.

Shuttle is also working on an X58 model, although it looks like the board needs an external PSU in addition to the PSU, as it has an angled four-pin connector that goes out the back of the motherboard. It also has a pair of x16 PCIe slots, but as you can only use single width graphics cards, this seems like a wasted opportunity for Shuttle.

Finally we have the Supermicro Super X8SAX which is more of a workstation board with a pair of PCI-X slots and a rather unusual layout in terms of the placement for the memory and CPU socket.

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