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Post Date: 2008-12-12

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Rad!caL View Drop Down

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  Quote Rad!caL Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Topic: XFX Goes ATI
    Posted: 12 Dec 2008 at 5:09pm
Big news indeed. The benchmarks and sales prove it, ATI is back and XFX wants in on the action:

We've managed to confirm that XFX will join the ATI camp at the start of the new year. XFX won't drop Nvidia products either, but obviously, Nvidia won't be thrilled by this turn of events.

There's been a lot of talk of Nvidia partner defections and reshuffles in recent months, and some have already gone red. XFX is just following the trend and leaving Nvidia in a rather awkward situation of having just a single powerful Nvidia exclusive partner - EVGA.


HEXUS can confirm that one of NVIDIA's strongest AIB supporters, XFX, will be signed up as an ATI (AMD) card partner in the very near future.
HEXUS has learned that a formal announcement, detailing the exact relationship between XFX and AMD/ATI, is expected next Tuesday


Edited by Rad!caL - 12 Dec 2008 at 5:10pm
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skyR View Drop Down

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  Quote skyR Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2008 at 5:22pm
BFG is still exclusive =\ and if you don't consider them big, you need your head checked out.

double lifetime warranty support for ATI? I hope so.
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star.
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DST4ME View Drop Down

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  Quote DST4ME Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2008 at 5:33pm
big news ATI sucks and Google search results filled with ATI problems prove it

Edited by DST4ME - 12 Dec 2008 at 5:34pm
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jtspectra2 View Drop Down
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  Quote jtspectra2 Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2008 at 7:28pm
ATI was good when the radeon 9800 pro was their top of the line card :D 
Q9650 @ 4.2Ghz( Liquid Cooled), 4GB 1600Mhz DDR3, GTX280 SLI, VRaptor,HAF 932
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Rad!caL View Drop Down

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  Quote Rad!caL Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2008 at 9:27pm
Originally posted by DST4ME

big news ATI sucks and Google search results filled with ATI problems prove it

I'm sorry that's one of the dumbest, narrow-minded, immature things I've ever read. Why do you insist on hating ATI when they are doing so well again? It's fine if you like or prefer nVidia but seriously don't say things that make you sound like a child.

They must suck hardcore, that's why they are being reviewed, benchmarked, and selling so well: http://news.softpedia.com/news/2-Million-RV770-Based-ATI-Cards-Sold-98767.shtml
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DST4ME View Drop Down

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  Quote DST4ME Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2008 at 9:30pm
Your personal attacks are the dumbest, narrow-minded, immature things I've ever read, and its against forum rules so if you want to state your opinion on the subject go away but practice some discipline and follow forum rules and stay away from personal attacks.

And I don't prefer Nvidia, I'm just not an ATI fanboy.
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Rad!caL View Drop Down

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  Quote Rad!caL Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2008 at 9:54pm
Originally posted by DST4ME

Your personal attacks are the dumbest, narrow-minded, immature things I've ever read, and its against forum rules so if you want to state your opinion on the subject go away but practice some discipline and follow forum rules and stay away from personal attacks.

And I don't prefer Nvidia, I'm just not an ATI fanboy.

You're right, my bad. I don't mean to attack you. But when you say something so completely untrue it gets me a little heated.

That explains why I own exclusive nVidia GPU's at the moment Disapprove. I only buy the best, right now that's ATI. How is that being a fanboy? You're not using logic in what you're saying.
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DST4ME View Drop Down

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  Quote DST4ME Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 12 Dec 2008 at 10:20pm
I never called you an ati fanboy, I just stated that I'm not one.
also google has my proof but just because you don't agree it does not mean its not true.

I was joking about ATI sucking but they have had lots of problems and the 4870x2 not having its own drivers didn't help.

with the new cards coming out next month, its too early to say if ATI is back or not, give a few month more and lets see.
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Rad!caL View Drop Down

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  Quote Rad!caL Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 13 Dec 2008 at 2:59am
Originally posted by DST4ME

I never called you an ati fanboy, I just stated that I'm not one.
also google has my proof but just because you don't agree it does not mean its not true.

I was joking about ATI sucking but they have had lots of problems and the 4870x2 not having its own drivers didn't help.

with the new cards coming out next month, its too early to say if ATI is back or not, give a few month more and lets see.

Glad you are taking a more open-minded/optimistic point of view. Of course the 4870X2 had some problems in the beginning (as do almost all new GPU's) but now all those issues are fixed.
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Salan View Drop Down

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  Quote Salan Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 13 Dec 2008 at 11:35am
My system is nvidia based (motherboard and gpu's).  Even so, my hat is off to ATI.  Nvidia has for to long given us marginal or imaginary upgrades to their gpu's and charged a premium for their products.  Let's see.  Over a period of a few months Nvidia has given us the gtx 260 192 cores, gtx 260 216 cores, gtx 285 (gtx 260 with smaller die) and gtx 295 (two gtx 285s rubber banded together). 
ATI butt kicked Nvida with the hd 4800 series.  They offer a good performance product at a resonable price.  The overall effect that ATI has had is to drive the prices of Nvidia cards down.  IBM has leveled the playing field with the x58 chip sets and motherboards that support crossfire or sli.  So now you have a choice and are not stuck with one brand if you want to upgrade.
I believe that ATI will be around for a while and serve humanity and gamers by keeping Nvidia somewhat honest  If they do not improve products and pricing they will lose even more market share.  In an i7 / x58 world Nvidia is not going to sell many chipsets, so should make sure that they keep their place in video card land. 
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Rad!caL View Drop Down

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  Quote Rad!caL Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 13 Dec 2008 at 1:25pm
Originally posted by Salan

My system is nvidia based (motherboard and gpu's).  Even so, my hat is off to ATI.  Nvidia has for to long given us marginal or imaginary upgrades to their gpu's and charged a premium for their products.  Let's see.  Over a period of a few months Nvidia has given us the gtx 260 192 cores, gtx 260 216 cores, gtx 285 (gtx 260 with smaller die) and gtx 295 (two gtx 285s rubber banded together). 
ATI butt kicked Nvida with the hd 4800 series.  They offer a good performance product at a resonable price.  The overall effect that ATI has had is to drive the prices of Nvidia cards down.  IBM has leveled the playing field with the x58 chip sets and motherboards that support crossfire or sli.  So now you have a choice and are not stuck with one brand if you want to upgrade.
I believe that ATI will be around for a while and serve humanity and gamers by keeping Nvidia somewhat honest  If they do not improve products and pricing they will lose even more market share.  In an i7 / x58 world Nvidia is not going to sell many chipsets, so should make sure that they keep their place in video card land. 

Thanks Alan you hit it spot on. I think nVidia got a little proud and decided to do too much rebranding and minor improvements after having owned the GPU market for so long. It's really starting to bit them in the @ss now. However, it's awesome to see ATI doing well again, competition is only the good for consumers. It drives the industry forward in innovation and drives prices down.

Plus with ATI lowering the price on their 4870 down to $200 they are competing strong with nVidia in the medium-end spectrum as well.
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widdlecat View Drop Down
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  Quote widdlecat Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 14 Dec 2008 at 6:24am
Originally posted by DST4ME

big news ATI sucks and Google search results filled with ATI problems prove it

I've never had problems with ATI in the past nor now. Following your logic, nVidia really sux if you look at all the issue regarding their chipsets and lawsuits. They have know compatibility issues without fixes, such as X-Fi support not always working and onboard sound seems to be enough of an issue with their chipsets that they offer a soultion of replacing it with VIA Envy soundcards...

I really like the color characteristics that ATI produces over nVidia. Some people aren't merely content with fps as the most important thing a video card should excel at. Both companies have their strengths and weaknesses. To say that one sucks is just belittling the efforts of the other company to be better.
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VIDAR View Drop Down

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  Quote VIDAR Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 14 Dec 2008 at 12:33pm
I think its great......Finally some competition to get us some good prices.  I run 8800gtx's in my comp, but I recently built a comp for my son and I put in a 4850 due to the great price and its performance rating.  Prior to the 4800 series I felt the only good cards were nvdia and you had to pay their price.  But not nowEmbarrassed
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DST4ME View Drop Down

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  Quote DST4ME Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 14 Dec 2008 at 3:30pm
yes the competition is great cause it does keep the prices down
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Sneakerz View Drop Down

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  Quote Sneakerz Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 14 Dec 2008 at 4:19pm
I have never been a fanboy of either. Whichever is doing better and producing the best graphics card for the money has been my winner. Nvidia has held the crown for a long time, and imo (performance wise) they still do.
However, I have owned several ATI cards, my last one being the 3870. It was a nice card, and it replaced my two SLI 7900GTs. Now while the performance was about the same, the game playing on the 3870 looked 100% better. I was getting a few FPS less than my SLI setup, but the way the graphics looked on the ATI card was astonishing.
I know there have been rumors and rumors to counter those rumors about ATI cards looking better then Nvidia. IMO, ATI know's what they are doing. I currently own a 4870 and could not be more happier. I may not get as many FPS as a GTX 280 etc, but I can tell you it looks just as good if not better.
So if you are only concerned about FPS, go with Nvidia. If you want good FPS and perfect looking graphics, go with ATI. That's just my $.02
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  Quote Alex Quote  Post ReplyReply bullet Posted: 14 Dec 2008 at 10:05pm
95% of Digital Storm's systems are currently shipping as NVIDIA solutions.
Warm Regards,
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